Blackjack Cracked


The first version of the logo

Blackjack Cracked was an idea born out of personal interest. Card counting has always had a mystique to it that intrigued thousands, but how does it let you win money? The more research we did, the more the complicated it all seemed.

Unfortunately, none of the trainers we found allowed you to practice beyond keeping a count, and many Blackjack apps we tried seemed more focused on getting you to spend extra real money when you went broke. That’s why we decided to make our own.

Following our “You get what you pay for” mission, this app has everything you need to practice playing the game like an advantage player. You can make custom bet spreads, get assistance on making the correct play for each hand, and practice until you’re confident in your skills. Run out of money playing? No worries, you get more.

To encourage proper play, we have a system called count coins. This in game currency cannot be purchased with real money, and it’s rewarded for consistently playing Blackjack correctly. Use these to purchase new backgrounds to play on, or new card styles.


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